
What is 3G and how will the 3G Sunset affect your Security System?
In order to explain what the 3G Sunset is, it’s important to understand the evolution of mobile broadband.
It’s hard to believe there was a time when we didn’t have smartphones or instant access to information. The evolution…

Video Analytics – Receive Alerts on What Matters Most to YOU!
Video Analytics: Residential and Business Solutions made simple!
Do you want to know when important events happen, while ignoring routine movement around your house or business? Then video analytics is for you! Video analytics is…

Burglar Deterrents: What Works and What Doesn’t
Nobody ever thinks that their home will ever be a target of a burglary. It is just something that happens on television or to the house down the street, but never ours. However, a burglary happens every 15 seconds somewhere in the United States…

Smart Parenting: Even Safer Homes
Nearly every parent has had that moment where they realize their child is NOT in their room where you left them and the accompanying sheer panic as you run through the house looking for them. Even worse is when you find that in that half a second…

6 Ways to Use Home Automation Technologies to Shut Down an Unauthorized House Party
If you are raising teens, you know just how determined to get into trouble they can sometimes be. The moment you turn your back, they have some trouble brewing in a millisecond. When the teen has some time off from work and school, but you do…

Home Automation Help: Halloween Shouldn’t Be Scary
We all like to think that Halloween is reserved for nothing but fun for our youngsters (and the young at heart) but crime never takes and night off, even for Halloween. Criminals take advantage of opportunities like Halloween because most people…