
What is 3G and how will the 3G Sunset affect your Security System?

In order to explain what the 3G Sunset is, it’s important to understand the evolution of mobile broadband. It’s hard to believe there was a time when we didn’t have smartphones or instant access to information.  The evolution…
A woman shopping for the holiday season
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5 Security Tips to Get Your Business Holiday Season Ready

The holiday season is back in full swing and for many businesses, that often means an influx of customers but also an increase in security threats. To ensure that your business is ready for the holidays, it is essential to take some steps beforehand…

5 Unique Ways to Reduce Holiday Stresses with Home Automation

The holiday season a wonderful time for friends and family. It can also be a very busy and stressful time of managing a million details. Finding the perfect gift, keeping up with online purchases, welcoming guests, cooking, and more is enough…