Securing your home doesn’t always entail complex, high-tech solutions or breaking the bank. With a dash of creativity and a pinch of resourcefulness, you can fortify your home inexpensively. Here are 20 easy, cost-effective measures that will significantly enhance your home’s security without relying on electronic devices:


  • Upgrade Locks and Reinforcements: Start by reinforcing door jambs with 3” case hardened steel screws and installing sturdy deadbolts on all entry doors.
  • Window Coverings: Utilize curtains, blinds, or sheer fabrics to obstruct views into your home, thwarting potential burglars from casing the joint.
  • Maintain Landscaping: Keep shrubs and bushes trimmed to eliminate potential hiding spots while maintaining a clear view around your property.
  • Install Peepholes: Equip your front and back doors with peepholes to identify visitors before opening the door.
  • Use Strategic Lighting: Illuminate dark areas around your home with inexpensive outdoor lights or solar-powered garden lights to deter intruders.
  • Neighborhood Connections: Forge relationships with neighbors, fostering a community where you can watch out for one another.
  • Create the Illusion of Occupancy: Leave a radio on or use timers to control lights, creating the impression of someone being home.
  • Secure Windows with Bars or Grilles: Consider installing decorative bars or grilles on ground-level windows to impede unauthorized access.
  • Dog Signage: Even if you don’t have a furry friend, “Beware of Dog” signs can dissuade potential intruders.
  • Reinforce Sliding Doors and Windows: Place wooden dowels or rods in the tracks to prevent them from being forced open.
  • Strategic Key Handling: Avoid leaving spare keys outside. Instead, give them to a trusted neighbor or family member.
  • Garage Security: Lock garage doors, especially when you’re not around, to prevent easy entry.
  • Secure Outdoor Items: Lock up ladders, tools, or any outdoor equipment that could aid potential intruders in gaining access to your home.
  • Mailbox Vigilance: Retrieve mail promptly to avoid signaling an empty house and inviting unwanted attention.
  • Use Window Film: Apply frosted or reflective film to windows for increased privacy and to deter prying eyes.
  • Enlist in a Watch Program: Join or establish a neighborhood watch group to collectively ensure safety within your community.
  • Secure Fences and Gates: Regularly inspect and maintain fences and gates to prevent easy access to your property.
  • Emergency Plan: Create a family emergency plan, outlining evacuation routes and safe meeting points in case of security breaches or emergencies.
  • Home Maintenance: Keep your home well-maintained to signal an active and cared-for property, deterring potential intruders.
  • Raise Awareness: Spread awareness about home security measures among neighbors, sharing tips and encouraging everyone to stay vigilant.


Enhancing your home’s security need not drain your wallet. By adopting these straightforward and budget-friendly measures, you can significantly protect your home against potential threats, creating a safer and more secure environment for you and your family. Remember, sometimes the simplest solutions yield the most effective results in safeguarding your home.  Utilizing these simple measures in addition to a professionally installed system will go a long way to deter a would-be intruder.