
What is 3G and how will the 3G Sunset affect your Security System?
In order to explain what the 3G Sunset is, it’s important to understand the evolution of mobile broadband.
It’s hard to believe there was a time when we didn’t have smartphones or instant access to information. The evolution…

Why a Security System Means More Than Just Preventing Theft
A security system has become an everyday part of many business owners’ lives. While most people invest in these systems simply as a way of preventing theft, there are various features and benefits that many don’t think about before investing…

Fall Daylight Savings Time and Your Alarm System
The First Sunday in November at 2:00AM is Day light savings time. As a reminder not only do you need to turn your clocks back one hour, you may also need to do a few things with your alarm system.
Make sure your panel is set to…